Shotesham Away - 3rd June
Shotesham v Priory - 3rd June 2024
Following the disappointment of defeat in our first friendly of the season and the frustration of our next match being postponed due to the wet weather, it was good to have the opportunity to get back onto the green and put our skills to the test.
With the Shotesham green set higher than the surrounding fields it provided a good vantage point to view the sea of green swaying to and fro. The barley having grown tall and good now waiting for the additional warmth needed to swell the grain.
Both clubs had mustered sufficient players to compete over 3 rinks and agreed that everyone could last the distance over 16 ends.
Having won the toss Shotesham decided to take the jack. The first end started with the vibrant flower beds to our backs and dark thunderous looking clouds overhead. However, the tempest thought better than to disrupt the play acted out by both teams who played the match in a good spirited manner and it was concluded without the need of waterproofs or jumpers. Even the Club Captain played in shirtsleeves.
The match ended with honours shared across the rinks.
One rink was drawn: After a tight nip-and-tuck affair with Sandy being politely cursed several times as she constantly stole the advantage back from our opponents.
One rink was lost: The Club Captain made a brave but proved foolish choice of shots on the penultimate end which resulted in reversing a one shot advantage and giving the jack to Shotesham for the last end which they took with two shots.
The third rink was won convincingly by the Captain’s namesake as he was excellently supported throughout by his Lead and Second.
The overall result was a welcome first win of the season for the Priory who won by 52 shots to 39.
Having earned their corn, both teams retired to the clubhouse overlooking the green to enjoy a well-earned cup of tea and a splendid spread of homemade cakes provided by our hosts.
Leaving the green the Priory members took away memories of an enjoyable afternoon but left behind one grey jumper, a very nice cardigan and a gilet.