Hethersett SC Away 26 Jul
Hethersett Social Club v Priory – 26th July 2024
Following a visit earlier in the week, a quick return to Hethersett saw the Priory team this time take on the local Social Club Bowls team with another opportunity to play a roving jack match with two woods over 21 ends.
The conditions were dry with the warmth of the bright early evening sun being tempered by a light and welcomed breeze and passing cloud cover.
The hosts cast the jack for the first end in front of a crowd which included at least one England international bowler who was watching with her mum, son and a very young puppy, and, a man watching from the gardens of the neighbouring social club. The latter would be joined during the match by others of all ages taking a passing interest in events on the green.
As the match progressed, three of the contests remained very much in rink while one of the Priory leads, probably aiding their eventual downfall, changed direction more times than the bowler perched on the clubhouse roof who started the evening staring into the setting sun but had put his back towards it by the time the match was over.
The final match result reflected that of the previous season with the Priory team being well beaten on all four rinks losing by 50 shots to Hethersetts 94 shots however there were some encouraging performances. John Moore and his team managed to win eleven of their twenty one ends and Ivan Freedman’s team after losing their first nine ends won the tenth which was celebrated, much to the amusement of the on-looking Hethersett reserve, with team star-jumps and then went on to win nine of their remaining ends.
Following the match, the Hethersett team invited their guests to join them in the nearby social club where they were to enjoy refreshments from the busy bar, freshly prepared sandwiches and chips in baskets. Above the noise of the bar incumbents, both team captains attempted to thank their opponents for sharing the evening in a friendly encounter on the green and looked forward to meeting again next season.